Front Page Archive
June, 2004
David Sadler For Congress (2002 archive)
12th CD/Illinois

Images from Mars Global Surveyor - Mars Orbiting Camera
Why isn't science being done on these very unique structures on Mars?

MGS m1501228a
Image enhancement by Dave Powelson, Blackbird Co.
What is the object in this Mars crater?
MGS-MOC image: m1501228a
Source website: U.S. Geological Survey
Section: PDS Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) Image Collection
Page: Mars Global Surveyor MOC image m1501228a - Browse Page
Question: Who's on Mars, or isn't this a geodesic dome?

MGS-MOC Image m1501228b
Image enhancement by Dave Powelson, Blackbird Co.
What is this on the surface of Mars?
MGS-MOC image: m1501228b
Source website: U.S. Geological Survey
Section: PDS Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) Image Collection
Page: Mars Global Surveyor MOC image m1501228 - Browse Page
NASA calls this a dune. Question: Who's NASA kidding? What is this?

MGS-MOC Image m0400291
Very odd 'tubes' on Mars
MGS-MOC Source website: MSSS MOC image M0400291
NASA calls these dunes. Question: Why won't NASA give us a high-res (1.3 meter) look?

MGS-MOC Image m0400291 MGS-MOC Image R1601731 MGS-MOC image m1501228b
Compare the 'tubes' on the left (m0400291) & right (m1501228b)
with the similar but fully 'natural' features in the middle (R1601731)
MGS-MOC Source website: MSSS
No claim is made that these are 'unnatural' features.
The claim is that they are totally unique and science is not being done on them.
Neither have they been retargeted with hi-res imagery --- that we know of...
The possiblity exists that they could be 'unnatural' and/or artificial.

street highsuspect
MGS-MOC Has a resolution of at least 1.3 meters.
Look what we can do with much less...
IIG Associates
Satellite Surveillance / Imagery
IIG Associates has direct access to satellite imagery data.
We hold contracts with the main suppliers of
satellite information and imagery.
At a resolution of 10 metres it is possible
to show an individual building and through
computer enhancement, vehicles and people.
At a 2 metre resolution it is possible
to read a vehicle license plate.

Is this a fossil of a sea lily on Mars?

" If you have an interest in searching for fossils on Mars ... this is the first place you'd want to go. "
-- Ed Weiler, NASA Associate Administrator for Space Science NASA Headquarters, 2004 --

Crinoid like Fossil found on Mars by Opportunity rover
Image formatted by
MER Opportunity image of Crinoid like fossil on Mars
NASA Opportunity rover image#:1M131201699EFF0500P29933M2M1
Source website: JPL: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Section: Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Opportunity All Raw Images
Page: Microscopic Imager : Sol 034

Read a paper on this fossil find by Richard C. Hoagland
The Curious Case of the NASA Crinoid Cover-Up

David Sadler introduces the concepts of 'official science' and the 'New Church of Official Science'
and the term 'scientician' in his article ...
'Ignoring Fossils On Mars'

David Sadler takes on the campaign to smear Richard C. Hoagland in this article.
NASA Running Scared: Shooting the Messenger

There's a new game in town...
The European Space Agency's Mars Express
is sending back outstanding images of Mars features.

Congratulations to the ESA Mars Express Team!

Where has NASA been?

Blue/Green pools in crater?
Gusev crater: NASA Spirit landing site!
NASA aimed for and hit the wet spots.

More signs of water?
Looks like a Utah river canyon ...