From the Front Page [2002.04.10]
David Sadler For Congress 12th CD/Illinois

This section will grow considerably as we point out Mr. Costello's non-accomplishments. Maybe during good times, we can afford one or two followers, but times are not good. We need to replace the do-nothing incumbent with the leadership and pro-American values of David Sadler.

Check back often as this section grows.


Our target for November is an entrenched big government incumbent with a record that leaves one yearning for constructive action. While Mr. Costello has been in the U.S. House,

• our coal mines have gone silent;

• our steel mills have gone out of business and into chapter 11;

• our rural hospitals are closing while communities go without local heath care (UMWA hospital in West Frankfort and the Franklin County Hospital in Benton (260 jobs) being the latest victims);

• Maytag has shipped more of its manufacturing to Mexico;

• our textile industry has nearly disappeared with Du Quoin's Bridal Originals (80+ jobs) being the latest victim of 'Free Trade';

• the US has become more dependent upon foreign energy supplies;

• the Bill of Rights, including second amendment rights, have been weakened;

• the national trade deficit has continued to gush red ink;

• war has come to the American mainland while our border with Mexico remains wide open

What does it take to make the national Republican party and our neighboring Republican Congressman support our campaign? Is Mr. Shimkus so vulnerable that forming an alliance with our opponent is the only way to ensure victory over Congressman David Phelps?


The only reason our opponent votes pro-life and pro-gun is to win the votes of the conservative Democrats and Independents. He is allowed to vote this way because his party wants his other big government votes in Congress. They know if Costello is going to win our 12th CD seat, he must be pro-life and pro-gun.

Our opponent was the main man in the primary victory of Rod Blagojevich.

Costello delivered the votes for Blagojevich in the Metro East.

• The NRA and the ISRA are going to endorse Mr. Costello.
• Costello supports Blagojevich and was key in his primary victory.
• Blagojevich is anti-gun and pro-abortion.

Conservative Democrats and Independents should rethink their automatic vote for our opponent. He is taking advantage of their single issue vote to their very own detriment.

Conservative Democrats and Independents should vote for David Sadler who is pro-life and pro-Second Amendment all the way, including who he supports for governor. Hint - it isn't the gun grabbing, pro-abortionist Rod.

David Sadler is a member of the ISRA and the NRA. (The ISRA membership may have just expired due to cutting expenses in order to run this campaign.) The NRA and the ISRA will endorse Costello regardless of his votes against the U.S. Constitution and his stances on issues of vital importance to a sovereign and prosperous United States.

We need to change this insane policy on the part of the NRA that blindly supports the incumbent when an equally pro-Second Amendment challenger is running.

We are not advocating that the NRA and the ISRA endorse David Sadler. Instead, we are asking them to withhold their endorsement from this race. To get this message across, NRA and ISRA members should do this...

Instead of sending a check to either organization, write the following on all solicitations and membership renewals from both the NRA and the ISRA until they declare in a mailing that they will not endorse either candidate in this race.