The signs of our times can clearly be seen in the news, but you have to look for it and you have to be aware of it. Current events are resembling historical events. We are about to repeat the mistakes of the past.
Inform yourself. Check out our 'News' section. We will post to this section often, so visit regularly. Also, read some of the foreign and Internet press on our links page to round out what you read, hear and see in the 'mainstream' media.
The News page has articles on energy, war, the economy, erosion of liberties, immigration, brave new world issues and the growing threat of globalism to national US sovereignty. Click the 'News' link in the navigation bar above.
The Links page has many good sources of alternative news, analysis and opinion. Check out the Links page by clicking 'Links' in the navigation bar above. Explore the following sections: Internet News, Civilian Intelligence Alliance and Newspapers: Foreign to gain a much different perspective on national and world news. Also, check out the Washington Times under Newspapers: National. This is a good mainstream press source for news not reported elsewhere in the mainstream press.
Prepare to have your worldview challenged.