Original story distributed as email
David Sadler For Congress (2002) 12th CD/Illinois |
'Fahrenheit 9-11' Review By A Traditional Conservative
Why did our national air defense totally fail, and why has no one been held accountable?![]() |
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Relying on "skin-paint" radar returns, Air National Guard troops at Norad's Northeast Air Defense Sector tried to locate hijacked aircraft after terrorists silenced the transponders.
NEADS commander Col. Robert K. Marr, Jr. ordered two F-15 fighters sitting alert at Otis Air National Guard (ANG) Base, MA, to 'battle stations.' 'The fighters were cocked and loaded, and even had extra gas on board,' he recalled. [Photo: Aviation Week & Space Technology] |
Not included in the film:
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WTC 7 fell straight down on 9-11, 2001 after being 'pulled' by the NYC fire commander on the decision of leaseholder, Larry Silverstein.
'Pull it': [audio] [analysis] |
" I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse. "
-- Larry Silverstein, WTC Leaseholder speaking in the documentary 'America Rebuilds', aired September 2002 -- |
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" First of all, there's no scheme here or plot to spin this story to try to cover or take a bullet for anyone. "
-- General Ralph E. Eberhart testimony to 9/11 Commission - June 17, 2004 -- " No Comment. " -- General Ralph E. Eberhart being asked who was responsible for coordinating the multiple war games running on the morning of September 11, 2001. General Eberhart testimony to 9/11 Commission - June 17, 2004 -- ![]() (left to right) Gen. Richard B. Myers, Admiral Charles Leidig, General Ralph E Eberhart, and Larry Arnold (Retired) moments before being sworn in to the 9/11 Commission. Thanks to From the Wilderness for these quotes and the basis for these these captions. |
General Ralph E. Eberhart was the man in charge of NORAD on the morning of 9-11. 2001.
Eberhart was responsible for the defense of U.S. air space. 'No comment' from the person in charge being asked to explain the reasons for our failure to defend U.S. air space is dereliction of duty. But as you will see, there will be no accountablity enforced. See revison notes: 2004.07.12 |
If this nation is going to reclaim its title as the nation 'of the people, by the people and for the people, " then we must restore our constitutional separation of powers, install a congress that is going to actually read the bills before making them law and restrain the growth and cost of government by defunding unnecessary and extra-constitutional initiatives.
Related pages: Front Page Archive September 10, 2003 'There is a fighter in the area. Should we engage?' '9-11 Standdown or Criminal Negligence or Dereliction of Duty?' '9-11: Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77' Front Page Archive August 27-31, 2003 '9-11: We have not demanded accountability' '9-11: Steel Not A Factor in WTC Collapse, NIST engineers' David Sadler For Congress 'A 9-11 TIMELINE' 'ADVANCE KNOWLEDGE OF 9-11 ATTACKS' Front Page Archive October 04-12, 2003 'Marvin Bush Employee's Mysterious Death Connections to 9/11?' Front Page Archive October 13-22, 2003 'Who is Mike Riconosciuto?' Front Page Archive September 11-18, 2003 'David Sadler world-wide radio appearance archived' Front Page Archive November 01-14, 2003 '9-11 Coverup and Blue Ribbon Panels' Search this site for more articles regarding 9-11. REVISION NOTES: 2004.07.12: Grammatical corrections. Added General Eberhart quotes and photo. |